Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dark Shadows Audio Book 26 - The Fall of the House of Trask

So, on my drive up to Atlanta for DragonCon, I listened the next Dark Shadows audio book, "The Fall of the House of Trask."  This book picks up immediately after the end of two prior CDs - "The Carrion Queen" - in which Gregory Trask tricks his way back to the living - and "The Poisoned Soul" - in which Charity Trask is once again possessed by the spirit of Pansy Faye.  Both of those prior CDs ended with the same scene - Charity trying to come to terms with having Pansy in my mind when her father, who she thought was dead, suddenly appears.

Jerry Lacy and Nancy Barrett reprise their roles from the show, and they do a fantastic job of bringing the characters to life.  Nancy is exceptionally talented, in that she is able to portray both Charity and Pansy with their very different personalities and voices.  And the writers not only tie in the prior two Trask CDs to this story, but they also connect this tale with two other DS audio books - "London's Burning," which had Quentin rescuing Pansy's sister from a bombing, and "The Eternal Actress," with the mention of Helvetica Stanhope from that drama.  So kudos definitely go out to everyone involved with this production for not only the great acting, but for tying it all together within the "audio drama" continuity.

And what's even better is that the Dark One's overarching plan is quite complicated and duplicitous, and it kept me guessing all the way to the very end when the newborn baby is born of his blood - a baby boy by the name of Cyrus Longworth!  Finally, this character is brought into the regular Dark Shadows continuity, rather than just being a Parallel Time character from the TV show.

This one definitely held my interest all the way through and left me wanting for more.

RATING:  9 out of 10 twists and turns for keeping me in the dark as to the Dark One's true intentions!

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