Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Supergirl, Book 3 - Master of Illusion

Master of Illusion
Publisher: Amulet Books
Publication Date (January 2019)
ISBN 10 - 1419731424
ISBN 13 - 978-1419731426
226 pages of story

And with this book, we reach the end of this trilogy for young readers based on the CW television show. It's a shame, really, as these books (along with the Flash books) have really expanded upon the TV universe, while at the same time remaining pretty much true to all of the characters. But, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and so we just have to enjoy the stories while they last...

Master of Illusion introduces the villainous Felix Faust to the world of Supergirl. Besides this DC supervillain, the book also provides a few Easter eggs for comic fans - Madame Xanadu, who appeared in the Flash novels, also appears in this book (and even makes mention of helping the Flash!). Also, Madame Xanadu calls upon a certain magician who speaks backwards (not going to name her, but comic fans will know who it is!) to release one of the three magical objects that Faust is after.

And speaking of which - Faust is searching for the three magical objects that will release the Demons Three - Abnegazar, Rath, and Ghast. Faust already has the wheel - he steals the jar at a ceremony that Kara Danvers happens to be attending - and he's searching for the bell (which happens to be protected by Madame Xanadu). Supergirl gets the aid of Princess Tlaca, who appeared at the end of the last book, and there are references made to Supergirl's supernatural adventure with Jason Blood (a/k/a Etrigan, the Demon) that took place in the previous story.

I like that these three books have an ongoing continuity, all the while providing separate stories that stand alone. Whittemore has a true feel for the characters, and I absolutely adore how well she handles Wynn - all his Doctor Who references make me wonder if Whittemore isn't a big fan of that show as well.  Plus, since this story takes place before Season Three (and that whole Reign debacle), it's kind of fun to see Whittemore place some subtle hints throughout the story of things to come.

The story itself is pretty interesting - Felix Faust is out to set the Demons Three free so he can gain their power, and it's up to Supergirl with the help of Princess Tlaca, Mon-El, and the rest of the DEO to find a way to stop him.  Meanwhile, Kara Danvers is tasked with finding the next big story that will impress Snapper Carr ... Alex Danvers is faced with a group of new recruits who see her as a dictator ... Jimmy Olsen is faced with the thought of his mother coming to visit ... Lena Luther realizes a project she had been developing was being used by a villain to locate supernatural items ... and J'onn J'onzz is facing the memory of Family Week without his family ... all in all, the typical personal dramas the characters face in a standard episode from the TV show.

Overall, a recommended read for fans of the comic, fans of the television show, or simply fans of good books with easy-to-read, enjoyable stories.

RATING:  9 sleight of hand tricks out of 10 for sharing some in-between season stories of these characters and making them worth reading!

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