This book made me realize exactly why it is I love "series" books so much, rather than just stand-alone stories. It's because, no matter how long between each book, the minute you pick up the next book in a series and start reading, it's like catching up with old friends. And while it took me a while to pick up the first book in this series, The Darkness Knows, after reading that one, I didn't hesitate to buy the second book the moment it hit the shelves!
Homicide for the Holidays brings back radio celebrity Vivian Witchell and private detective Charlie Haverman, this time to solve a crime that hits close to him for Viv. This time around, Viv does not stumble across a dead body - instead, she find a key, that leads her to a locked drawer, that opens up to reveal an envelopes stuffed with cash ... and a threatening note! Viv's father passed away some some time ago, so why did he have an envelope full of cash in a locked drawer of the desk in his study? And who would threaten him? Or was he threatening someone else? The mystery deepens even further when the envelope, cash, and note disappear - but yet another key is discovered taped to the backside of the drawer! What does it all mean?
Author Cheryl Honigford provides a mystery full of twists and turns, constantly flipping the readers thoughts on what kind of man Arthur Witchell was. We follow along as Viv traces the last few weeks of her father's life, trying to uncover the truth, no matter how horrible it may be, and as every layer is pulled back, it seems that there are more and more secrets to be unearthed - not just about Arthur Witchell, but about his law partner, his clients, and the secret life that he kept from his family. Of course, it's not all fun and mystery-solving for Viv - remember, she's a big radio celebrity now, starring in that radio show, "The Darkness Knows," with Graham Yarborough, the radio channel's big star. Plus, the public at large knows how close Graham and Viv have become - the only problem is, it's all for show. Viv still yearns for Charlie, who has been conveniently absent over the past few months since they solved the murder in the previous book.
Before you know it, Charlies comes back on the scene to help Viv track down the truth about her father - but he keeps her at arm's length because of her relationship with Graham. Viv wants to tell him the truth, but can't because if it gets out the relationship is a fake, it could ruin both her and Graham's career, not to mention the station's number one rated show. Of course, what Viv doesn't know is that Graham has a secret of his own - one that made him a suspect of the murder in the last book, and one that, if it comes out, could very well spell his end in this one!
And if all of that is not enough to whet your appetite for a good mystery, let's add into the mix a nosy housekeeper, a lovestruck brother, a determined reporter wannabe, an old crush who returns to the scene, and a legal secretary that unwittingly holds the secret to unraveling the truth about Viv's father's death, and suddenly you have a story worthy of a daytime soap opera - or in this case, a radio serial!
It's so enjoyable to step back into the past (the 1930s in this case!) and see just how much simpler things were back then. No cell phones, no computers, no technology to control our lives. People talked, they went to dances, they held impromptu parties, and for mysteries like this, they find themselves in danger with no way to text or call someone! Footsteps following behind on a darkened path ... coming home to find your house ransacked ... a car screeching around the corner just as you step off the curb ... and accidents made to look like accidents when they aren't really accidents.
All in all, book two in the Viv and Charlie series was even better than the first! That definitely sets the bar high for book three, due out later this year...
RATING: 10 Kewpie dolls out of 10 for taking radio drama mystery and bringing it to life so vibrantly!
Review of books that I have read - my own personal thoughts and opinions of the book, its plot, the author, and everything else.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Aunt Claire Presents (Book Three): The Girl Aviators and the Phantom Airship
Vintage series books are always fun to read, as the language is so rich, the dialogue and actions usually reveal a lot about the time period in which the book was written, and the stories are ... well, they are so innocent and naive in a lot of ways. Thus, I am truly enjoying this Aunt Claire Presents series of reprints, as they allow me to escape the confines of this media-heavy, technology-addicted century that we live in and enter a world where simple things such as airplanes and automobiles are things of awe and wonder!
The Girl Aviators and the Phantom Airship is the third book in the Aunt Claire Presents series, and it is also the first book in The Girl Aviators series from the early 1900s. Originally published in 1911 (wow! more than 100 years ago!), the story follows Peggy Prescott and her brother, Roy, as they attempt to save their home from a greedy bank manager intent on foreclosing their home if they won't sell him the airplane that their father began to build and the two youngsters finished. But, as with all series book protagonists, these two teenagers are not that gullible, and so they refuse the offer and work to make their "Golden Butterfly" the best it can be, so as to win an upcoming air show, with a grand prize of $5,000! (Can you imagine the worth of $5,000 back in 1911???)
The mystery from which the title is derived stems from a mysterious airship that Peggy and Roy see in the night sky when they are fighting the wind - the strange craft seems impervious to the winds, and although they can only see the red and green lights, it is clear the airplane is far superior to their own as they are nearly blown out to sea. Interestingly enough, however, that is the only appearance of the "phantom airship," and no other real mention is made of the mystery. Instead, the greater mystery seems to involve the theft of their friend Jess's wallet of jewels (including a family heirloom ruby) valued at ten thousand dollars! Throughout the entire book, Peggy is curious as to who took the jewels, and although she suspects it is Fanning Harding, the son of the banker who is determined to prove he can build a better airplane than Roy Prescott.

The mystery from which the title is derived stems from a mysterious airship that Peggy and Roy see in the night sky when they are fighting the wind - the strange craft seems impervious to the winds, and although they can only see the red and green lights, it is clear the airplane is far superior to their own as they are nearly blown out to sea. Interestingly enough, however, that is the only appearance of the "phantom airship," and no other real mention is made of the mystery. Instead, the greater mystery seems to involve the theft of their friend Jess's wallet of jewels (including a family heirloom ruby) valued at ten thousand dollars! Throughout the entire book, Peggy is curious as to who took the jewels, and although she suspects it is Fanning Harding, the son of the banker who is determined to prove he can build a better airplane than Roy Prescott.
But even the mystery of the missing jewels takes a backseat to the thrill and danger of flying in up in the clouds and the excitement of the upcoming air show. It is interesting to note the varied reactions to Peggy and Roy as they fly into various places - the excitement and wonder of Jess and James Bancroft, the apprehension of the older doctor, and the fear and uncertainty of the lighthouse keeper. Plus, author Margaret Burnham clearly has her own thoughts on women's rights, even back in the early 1900s, for although Roy is thrust into the limelight when it comes to the airplane, it is truly Peggy who often saves the day, and even their friends Jess and James (or "Jimsy" as Peggy calls him) recognize the large contribution that Peggy puts into it. Of course, flying is a man's territory, so Peggy tends to stand back and allow her brother to take the spotlight (even though it's clear the author believes women are just as capable, if not more so, than women). An interesting example of this occurs when the villains in the story kidnap Roy and he ends up trapped at the bottom of a well, and Peggy is forced to disguise herself as her brother and take flight in the contest to avoid having to forfeit their chance at the $5,000 cash prize! This is quite the switch, particularly for those days, since it was usually the female character who was in trouble, and the male lead had to rescue her!
The internal illustrations are reproduced in the book as well, which add some nice flavor to the enjoyment of the book, and the hardcover to the book reproduces a facsimile of the original cloth cover board, including "stains" to give it a true vintage feel. As with the prior two, "Aunt Claire" provides an introduction to the story, giving a background as to the time period, the subject matter, and the biases and stereotypes found within the story. I can certainly see these books used in a classroom for educational purposes - not only do they make for a fun read, but they could certainly provide opportunities for students to study the history of our nation through series fiction!
I without a doubt recommend these books and hope that the series is selling well enough to warrant more reproductions (as there are currently only four books out - two in the Grace Harlowe series, one in the Automobile Girls series, and this one in the Girl Aviators series).
RATING: 7 silvery-bearded hermits out of 10 for a rather tame mystery but an exciting glimpse into the past awe and wonder of air flight!
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Short Lived Comic Series #7 - The Prospector
As I've said before, and as those who know my affinity for comics are aware, I am a huge fan of independent comics and their creators. Indy comics are not tied down to decades of continuity, they aren't forced to fit into company cross-overs or specific political correctness that permeate the Big Two publishers of comics today. Simply put, the indy comics of today usually have much better stories, much better art, and all around much better comics.
The Prospector, by writer Darren Neely and art by Philip Burnette, proves my point.
I had the good fortune to meet Mr. Neely at MegaCon last year (2017), and he was so enthusiastic about his comic that I couldn't help myself. I picked up all five issues of the series and just recently had the chance to sit down and read them. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect, as it has been more than a year, and quite frankly, I could not remember anything about what the story was about. So I went into this totally blind, and I walked away from it with a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction from a story well told, both in aspects of the writing and the art.
A university professor. A small town old-timer. A hidden secret in an old cave. An attempt to make that first contact. All the makings of a great X-Files tale, and quite frankly, by the end of these five issues, I felt very much like I had just read an X-Files story, minus the Mulder and Scully, but with some great storytelling and plenty of twists and surprises.
Professor Betsy Dunn of the Ancient Studies Department is just trying to figure out what's going on. Why did Jeremiah Tally use dynamite to destroy a cave that could have housed any number of ancient artifacts? Who is creeping around campus in all black, using the Professor's ID badge to get access to the school? Why did Tally invest so much money into the university's first fully-integrated radio and optical telescope array? Are we truly alone in the universe, or is the university's president correct in her belief that there is life out there? Who, or what, was "The Society" who founded the institute? And just what in the world is Tally keeping in his basement?
And, the all important question - why does Professor Dunn not remember any of this?
As the X-Files so aptly put it, the trust is out there, and Professor Dunn is determined to find it. Tally is keeping secrets, and Professor Dunn knows it is something big. But what she ultimately discovers in this five-issue tale is that nothing is ever quite what it seems, and she ultimately finds herself allies with the old-time, prepared to protect his secret at all costs!
Neely has an interesting way of telling the story, alternating between present, distant past, present, recent past, and so forth - sometimes with clear transitions, and other times it is left for the reader to discover that there has been a shift in time (the characters don't shift, the story does) - so that the reader only gets bits and pieces of what is going on, but it definitely all pays off quite nicely in the end. Plus, the first issue is told from Professor Dunn's point of view, while the second issue is from Tally's point of view, and thus, the reader learns quite a bit from the two characters, all leading to pretty much the same point by the end of each issue, so that by issue three, you have a feel for the two protagonists and the story can really get moving.
The art is a bit rough, but frankly, it creates the mood for the story, giving the characters and the setting a very western feel to it.
Overall, it was a great read, and I'd more than recommend it for someone wanting an out of the ordinary comic to read!
RATING: 9 alien pick axes out of 10 for taking a chance with an unusual tale that mixes several genres but definitely keep the reader's interest - and leaves just enough plot threads for more story to come (hopefully!)
The Prospector, by writer Darren Neely and art by Philip Burnette, proves my point.
I had the good fortune to meet Mr. Neely at MegaCon last year (2017), and he was so enthusiastic about his comic that I couldn't help myself. I picked up all five issues of the series and just recently had the chance to sit down and read them. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect, as it has been more than a year, and quite frankly, I could not remember anything about what the story was about. So I went into this totally blind, and I walked away from it with a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction from a story well told, both in aspects of the writing and the art.
A university professor. A small town old-timer. A hidden secret in an old cave. An attempt to make that first contact. All the makings of a great X-Files tale, and quite frankly, by the end of these five issues, I felt very much like I had just read an X-Files story, minus the Mulder and Scully, but with some great storytelling and plenty of twists and surprises.
Professor Betsy Dunn of the Ancient Studies Department is just trying to figure out what's going on. Why did Jeremiah Tally use dynamite to destroy a cave that could have housed any number of ancient artifacts? Who is creeping around campus in all black, using the Professor's ID badge to get access to the school? Why did Tally invest so much money into the university's first fully-integrated radio and optical telescope array? Are we truly alone in the universe, or is the university's president correct in her belief that there is life out there? Who, or what, was "The Society" who founded the institute? And just what in the world is Tally keeping in his basement?
And, the all important question - why does Professor Dunn not remember any of this?
As the X-Files so aptly put it, the trust is out there, and Professor Dunn is determined to find it. Tally is keeping secrets, and Professor Dunn knows it is something big. But what she ultimately discovers in this five-issue tale is that nothing is ever quite what it seems, and she ultimately finds herself allies with the old-time, prepared to protect his secret at all costs!
Neely has an interesting way of telling the story, alternating between present, distant past, present, recent past, and so forth - sometimes with clear transitions, and other times it is left for the reader to discover that there has been a shift in time (the characters don't shift, the story does) - so that the reader only gets bits and pieces of what is going on, but it definitely all pays off quite nicely in the end. Plus, the first issue is told from Professor Dunn's point of view, while the second issue is from Tally's point of view, and thus, the reader learns quite a bit from the two characters, all leading to pretty much the same point by the end of each issue, so that by issue three, you have a feel for the two protagonists and the story can really get moving.
The art is a bit rough, but frankly, it creates the mood for the story, giving the characters and the setting a very western feel to it.
Overall, it was a great read, and I'd more than recommend it for someone wanting an out of the ordinary comic to read!
RATING: 9 alien pick axes out of 10 for taking a chance with an unusual tale that mixes several genres but definitely keep the reader's interest - and leaves just enough plot threads for more story to come (hopefully!)
Friday, June 22, 2018
Stalking Jack the Ripper - the first Audrey Rose Wadsworth novel
How many times has the tale of Jack the Ripper been told? How in the world can anyone truly write an entirely new take on the legendary murderer? I didn't pick up this book for the longest time, simply because I thought it would be just another story about someone trying to solve the mystery of who Jack the Ripper really was. That, and I'm not a big fan of James Patterson or this whole ego-centric world of books he seems to have created (where stories are being written by other authors, but his name is slapped on the cover in an effort to sell the book). So when I got the book for Christmas, I set it to the side, figuring I would get around to reading it eventually. Well, eventually got here, and I read it.
And, boy, am I ever glad I did!!!
Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerry Maniscalco is definitely a whole new take on the story of Jack, that's for sure. It's the tale of Audrey Rose Wadsworth, a most unusual young woman of the late nineteenth century. You see, Audrey Rose (and yes, whenever her name is said in the book, it is not simply Audrey, but always Audrey Rose) is training under her uncle to learn everything she can about post-mortem work as a coroner. Something her father is most definitely displeased with, and something that worries her brother to no end. Her mother, having died some years ago, always told Audrey Rose to stay strong and be determined - so she is. She even convinces her uncle to let her disguise herself as a boy and attend one of his lectures at a local university. Where she meets Thomas Cresswell.
And let me say that, in my opinion, Thomas Cresswell is the breakout star of this book! He is sassy, he is straight-forward, he is frolicking and playful, yet he knows when to be serious and strong. And his sarcasm and wit is such a fine juxtaposition to the dark seriousness of the story that it creates the perfect balance, so that the reader does not fall too deeply into despair with all the murders, blood, and bodies.
Maniscalco deftly writes a serial killer mystery that will keep you guessing until pretty close to the end. I thought I had it figured out, then changed my mind, then changed my mind again - and while I did manage to guess who it was ultimately before the big reveal, I still have to give the author credit for keeping it subtle and providing plenty of red herrings to obscure the truth from being uncovered too easily. And she provides a very strong protagonist in Audrey Rose Wadsworth. Audrey Rose is clearly a Nancy Drew archetype - mother died when she was young, father is protective, but she maintains her independence and is not afraid to face danger head-on, regardless of society's standards, in order to solve the mystery...yet, at the same time, she knows how to maintain her lady-like manners when required and hold off that amorous man when there's a mystery that's more important to solve!
And what a mystery it is. The "Leather Apron" as he was first called is on the loose, killing women of ill-repute, and when it turns out that Audrey Rose's family has a connection to not one, not two, but three of the young women who were so brutally murdered, she is determined to get to the bottom of things and stop the crazed man from killing any more. When her uncle is suddenly accused of the crimes due to his profession and skill set, it becomes even more important that Audrey Rose unmask the real killer to prevent her uncle from being hanged. With Thomas Creswell forever at her side, whether she wants him there or not, Audrey Rose sets out on a path to capture the killer, at the very risk of her own life. But the closer she gets to his real identity, the more she discovers that there are some secrets that should best stay hidden...
Stalking Jack the Ripper was a surprisingly great story, and the end sets the stage for the second volume in this series. Can't wait for that one to come out in paperback!
RATING: 9 portraits worth considering out of 10 for spinning a totally new take on the Jack the Ripper story and giving readers two new totally lovable protagonists!
And, boy, am I ever glad I did!!!
Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerry Maniscalco is definitely a whole new take on the story of Jack, that's for sure. It's the tale of Audrey Rose Wadsworth, a most unusual young woman of the late nineteenth century. You see, Audrey Rose (and yes, whenever her name is said in the book, it is not simply Audrey, but always Audrey Rose) is training under her uncle to learn everything she can about post-mortem work as a coroner. Something her father is most definitely displeased with, and something that worries her brother to no end. Her mother, having died some years ago, always told Audrey Rose to stay strong and be determined - so she is. She even convinces her uncle to let her disguise herself as a boy and attend one of his lectures at a local university. Where she meets Thomas Cresswell.
And let me say that, in my opinion, Thomas Cresswell is the breakout star of this book! He is sassy, he is straight-forward, he is frolicking and playful, yet he knows when to be serious and strong. And his sarcasm and wit is such a fine juxtaposition to the dark seriousness of the story that it creates the perfect balance, so that the reader does not fall too deeply into despair with all the murders, blood, and bodies.
Maniscalco deftly writes a serial killer mystery that will keep you guessing until pretty close to the end. I thought I had it figured out, then changed my mind, then changed my mind again - and while I did manage to guess who it was ultimately before the big reveal, I still have to give the author credit for keeping it subtle and providing plenty of red herrings to obscure the truth from being uncovered too easily. And she provides a very strong protagonist in Audrey Rose Wadsworth. Audrey Rose is clearly a Nancy Drew archetype - mother died when she was young, father is protective, but she maintains her independence and is not afraid to face danger head-on, regardless of society's standards, in order to solve the mystery...yet, at the same time, she knows how to maintain her lady-like manners when required and hold off that amorous man when there's a mystery that's more important to solve!
And what a mystery it is. The "Leather Apron" as he was first called is on the loose, killing women of ill-repute, and when it turns out that Audrey Rose's family has a connection to not one, not two, but three of the young women who were so brutally murdered, she is determined to get to the bottom of things and stop the crazed man from killing any more. When her uncle is suddenly accused of the crimes due to his profession and skill set, it becomes even more important that Audrey Rose unmask the real killer to prevent her uncle from being hanged. With Thomas Creswell forever at her side, whether she wants him there or not, Audrey Rose sets out on a path to capture the killer, at the very risk of her own life. But the closer she gets to his real identity, the more she discovers that there are some secrets that should best stay hidden...
Stalking Jack the Ripper was a surprisingly great story, and the end sets the stage for the second volume in this series. Can't wait for that one to come out in paperback!
RATING: 9 portraits worth considering out of 10 for spinning a totally new take on the Jack the Ripper story and giving readers two new totally lovable protagonists!
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Dark Shadows Audio Book - 50th Anniversary Special - Blood & Fire
It felt so good to re-enter the world of Dark Shadows, and what better way to get back into the swing of things than with this 50th anniversary audio book? I am a bit disheartened that after 50 audio stories, Big Finish decided to do this special anniversary story and then re-boot the numbering back to number 1 again (hmmm, taking a queue from DC and Marvel comics, perhaps?). However, numbering aside, I will say this - they certainly know how to do a 50th anniversary special right, that's for sure!
"Blood & Fire" takes the story of the Collins family back to its beginnings here in America. Angelique is once again front and center as the Dark Lord sends her back in time, to 1767, where he instructs her to put an end to the Collins bloodline before it spreads into the new world (a/k/a America). So, in true Dark Shadows style, we take a trip back in time, back to the year 1767 - there, each of the Collins' ancestors resembles a present-day member of the Collins' family - but the names and relationships have changed, and Angelique finds herself...oh, wait, no, that was the lead-in for a completely different storyline...
Fans are treated to a lot of origins, of sorts, in this story. We meed Laura Stockbridge before she becomes the phoenix. We meet Abigail Collins before she becomes so bitter. We meet a young Joshua Collins before he weds Naomi. We meet the ancestors of the Cunninghams, the Griffins, the Haskells, the Loomises, and heck, there's even a werewolf thrown in for good measure. Add in Angelique (a/k/a Cassandra Peterson), and you know you're in for one heck of a good ride! And with two CDs, made up of four parts (episodes), it's a fully fleshed-out story that truly pays tribute to all that has gone before (or is to come?) and fleshes out a lot more of Collins' history.
When I first saw that Joanna Going was providing a voice on this CD, I got excited, thinking perhaps she would be doing Victoria Winters (the character she played in the 1990s television show), but instead, she is the young Laura Stockbridge. She does a pretty good job with the role, too, I must admit - going from the innocent young bride-to-be to a full-fledged supernatural being intent on one thing - destroying the witch who has tried to rain destruction down on the Collins' family. It's a phoenix vs. witch showdown that only Dark Shadows could do!
The story centers around the upcoming nuptials of Joshua Collins to Laura Stockbridge. Angelique appears on the scene, and pretending to be a wife, stranded in Collinsport while awaiting her husband to come in from sea, she wiggles her way into the Collins' household. The great Collins House is in the process of being built, so the family resides in Anchor House. Angelique is on a mission to destroy the Collins family, but she finds herself conflicted. As the story progresses and she becomes more involved with the family, she realizes that the Collins family has always been the same, and that she has no place in it - so she moves forward with her plan of destruction!
Apparently, this story occurs before the audio story, "The Path of Fate," as the ending of "Blood & Fire" provides a lead-in to "The Path of Fate." Which, I know I've said it before, but it is something I so love about all of these audio books - the continuity is truly mind-boggling. Although they may not be told in order, they do manage to intermingle stories and ultimately connect them - I wonder if anyone has ever sat down and truly figured out the exact order all of the audio tales should be listened to in order to hear them in chronological order, story-wise?
Fifty years of Dark Shadows, and 50 audio stories has been building to this, and without a doubt, "Blood & Fire" was well worth it. Can't wait to see what the next fifty years holds in store for this amazing, one-of-a-kind series!
RATING: 10 buried urns out of 10 for providing an anniversary story that honors, adores, and expands on the history of one of the greatest television shows of all time!
"Blood & Fire" takes the story of the Collins family back to its beginnings here in America. Angelique is once again front and center as the Dark Lord sends her back in time, to 1767, where he instructs her to put an end to the Collins bloodline before it spreads into the new world (a/k/a America). So, in true Dark Shadows style, we take a trip back in time, back to the year 1767 - there, each of the Collins' ancestors resembles a present-day member of the Collins' family - but the names and relationships have changed, and Angelique finds herself...oh, wait, no, that was the lead-in for a completely different storyline...
Fans are treated to a lot of origins, of sorts, in this story. We meed Laura Stockbridge before she becomes the phoenix. We meet Abigail Collins before she becomes so bitter. We meet a young Joshua Collins before he weds Naomi. We meet the ancestors of the Cunninghams, the Griffins, the Haskells, the Loomises, and heck, there's even a werewolf thrown in for good measure. Add in Angelique (a/k/a Cassandra Peterson), and you know you're in for one heck of a good ride! And with two CDs, made up of four parts (episodes), it's a fully fleshed-out story that truly pays tribute to all that has gone before (or is to come?) and fleshes out a lot more of Collins' history.
When I first saw that Joanna Going was providing a voice on this CD, I got excited, thinking perhaps she would be doing Victoria Winters (the character she played in the 1990s television show), but instead, she is the young Laura Stockbridge. She does a pretty good job with the role, too, I must admit - going from the innocent young bride-to-be to a full-fledged supernatural being intent on one thing - destroying the witch who has tried to rain destruction down on the Collins' family. It's a phoenix vs. witch showdown that only Dark Shadows could do!
The story centers around the upcoming nuptials of Joshua Collins to Laura Stockbridge. Angelique appears on the scene, and pretending to be a wife, stranded in Collinsport while awaiting her husband to come in from sea, she wiggles her way into the Collins' household. The great Collins House is in the process of being built, so the family resides in Anchor House. Angelique is on a mission to destroy the Collins family, but she finds herself conflicted. As the story progresses and she becomes more involved with the family, she realizes that the Collins family has always been the same, and that she has no place in it - so she moves forward with her plan of destruction!
Apparently, this story occurs before the audio story, "The Path of Fate," as the ending of "Blood & Fire" provides a lead-in to "The Path of Fate." Which, I know I've said it before, but it is something I so love about all of these audio books - the continuity is truly mind-boggling. Although they may not be told in order, they do manage to intermingle stories and ultimately connect them - I wonder if anyone has ever sat down and truly figured out the exact order all of the audio tales should be listened to in order to hear them in chronological order, story-wise?
Fifty years of Dark Shadows, and 50 audio stories has been building to this, and without a doubt, "Blood & Fire" was well worth it. Can't wait to see what the next fifty years holds in store for this amazing, one-of-a-kind series!
RATING: 10 buried urns out of 10 for providing an anniversary story that honors, adores, and expands on the history of one of the greatest television shows of all time!
Saturday, June 16, 2018
House of Shadows: Book Two - House of Secrets
Author Darcy Coates brings readers back into the Gothic world of Sophie and Joseph Argenton and the terrible curse of the Grimlock with the sequel to House of Shadows. While I have always loved Gothic tales (I mean, c'mon, Dark Shadows started me down that path, and I've loved it ever since!), I've never been a fan of the romance part that always seems to accompany many Gothic stories. Coates, thankfully, knows how to truly balance it, so that the Gothic, supernatural side is the focus, and the romantic elements are secondary.
House of Secrets picks up shortly after the end of the first book, where Sophie helped her new husband, Joseph, along with his uncle and cousin, escape the horrors that the cursed Northwood manor held for them all. Sophie believed that, with the curse behind them, she and her husband might actually discover a happy marriage, regardless of how it began (let's face it - getting married solely so your husband can sacrifice you to keep a curse at bay is not exactly the best way to start a marriage...). Unfortunately, the horrors of the past are not quite finished with them.
Coates truly makes the reader feel for the characters, particularly Sophie. Yes, she does get a bit whiny sometimes with her "does he love me, or does he not love me" thoughts - but it does fit perfectly with the story, as it keeps the reader guessing as to Joseph's true intentions. Remember, in the first book, he married her for the sole purpose of having a sacrifice to the Grimlock. Just because that did not happen does not necessarily mean a happy ending for the couple - particularly since tales of Gothic and supernatural tend to have dire consequences for their characters.
The horror begins anew in this second novel when Joseph receives a letter from his uncle, indicating that his young cousin, Elise, was possessed by the Grimlock after the destruction of Northwood. He has taken her to the abandoned Kensington estate in the hopes of finding a way to rid Elise of the deadly creature, but Garrett needs Joseph's helps. Joseph intends to leave Sophie behind, but she won't hear of it! Determined and strong-willed, she follows him, and the two eventually arrive at the desolate estate. In true horror fashion, there is a wide chasm separating the house from the rest of the world, and a decaying wood bridge is the only way across. Far below is a dried up river that once ran through the chasm.
As with an any old house, this one has a history. Kensington belonged to the Argenton family, and Miss Bishop, the sister of a man who married into the Argenton family (and the curse!) was determined to find a way to save her brother. Decades of her research lay within the library and various rooms of the old mansion, and it becomes a race against time for Sophie, Joseph, and Garrett to discover a clue in one of the books, journals, and diaries that will lead them to a way to put an end to the Grimlock and save young Elise.
Coates provides plenty of tense moments - numerous dark shadows, stormy nights, cold winds, hoarse whispers, ghosts, and things that go bump in the night - all the elements necessary to make the perfect terrifying tale. There are also several surprise moments, and a heart-warming reveal that will touch even the hardest of hearts.
I am almost saddened that the story ties up all loose ends and provides a true ending to the story of Sophie, Joseph, and the Grimlock - I would love to see more tales of these characters. However, I'm thankful Coates shared these two fantastic stories and definitely recommend them to any fans of the Gothic and supernatural.
RATING: 10 cessant's bloom petals out of 10 for horror and supernatural in true Gothic style without over-burdening the story with too much romance!
House of Secrets picks up shortly after the end of the first book, where Sophie helped her new husband, Joseph, along with his uncle and cousin, escape the horrors that the cursed Northwood manor held for them all. Sophie believed that, with the curse behind them, she and her husband might actually discover a happy marriage, regardless of how it began (let's face it - getting married solely so your husband can sacrifice you to keep a curse at bay is not exactly the best way to start a marriage...). Unfortunately, the horrors of the past are not quite finished with them.
Coates truly makes the reader feel for the characters, particularly Sophie. Yes, she does get a bit whiny sometimes with her "does he love me, or does he not love me" thoughts - but it does fit perfectly with the story, as it keeps the reader guessing as to Joseph's true intentions. Remember, in the first book, he married her for the sole purpose of having a sacrifice to the Grimlock. Just because that did not happen does not necessarily mean a happy ending for the couple - particularly since tales of Gothic and supernatural tend to have dire consequences for their characters.
The horror begins anew in this second novel when Joseph receives a letter from his uncle, indicating that his young cousin, Elise, was possessed by the Grimlock after the destruction of Northwood. He has taken her to the abandoned Kensington estate in the hopes of finding a way to rid Elise of the deadly creature, but Garrett needs Joseph's helps. Joseph intends to leave Sophie behind, but she won't hear of it! Determined and strong-willed, she follows him, and the two eventually arrive at the desolate estate. In true horror fashion, there is a wide chasm separating the house from the rest of the world, and a decaying wood bridge is the only way across. Far below is a dried up river that once ran through the chasm.
As with an any old house, this one has a history. Kensington belonged to the Argenton family, and Miss Bishop, the sister of a man who married into the Argenton family (and the curse!) was determined to find a way to save her brother. Decades of her research lay within the library and various rooms of the old mansion, and it becomes a race against time for Sophie, Joseph, and Garrett to discover a clue in one of the books, journals, and diaries that will lead them to a way to put an end to the Grimlock and save young Elise.
Coates provides plenty of tense moments - numerous dark shadows, stormy nights, cold winds, hoarse whispers, ghosts, and things that go bump in the night - all the elements necessary to make the perfect terrifying tale. There are also several surprise moments, and a heart-warming reveal that will touch even the hardest of hearts.
I am almost saddened that the story ties up all loose ends and provides a true ending to the story of Sophie, Joseph, and the Grimlock - I would love to see more tales of these characters. However, I'm thankful Coates shared these two fantastic stories and definitely recommend them to any fans of the Gothic and supernatural.
RATING: 10 cessant's bloom petals out of 10 for horror and supernatural in true Gothic style without over-burdening the story with too much romance!
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
DC Comics Secret Hero Society, Book 3 - Detention of Doom
Clark, Bruce, and Diana return to school in Scholastic's third book of the DC Comics Super Hero Society series, Detention of Doom. Written by Derek Fridolfs and drawn by Dustin Nguyen (of Li'l Gotham fame), this series has been a real delight, and this book is no exception.
(And just in case you are wondering, yes, Clark is Superman, Bruce is Batman, and Diana is Wonder Woman - DC Comic's big three, so to speak - although in this series, they are far from big - they are elementary school students in Gotham City, and, as can be expected, they must face off against villainous crimes in each story)
Detention of Doom begins with a simple award ceremony - the award for bravery, the peace prize, and even a participation award. While Bruce is somewhat bored with the ceremony, finding the whole thing to be frivolous, it soon turns out to be anything but when Clark's award suddenly causes him to disappear! With the help of Barry (Allen a/k/a the Flash) and Victor (Stone a/k/a Cyborg), Bruce and Diana begin to investigate what has happened to their friend. All roads lead to Lex Luthor, but they cannot find any evidence to prove he did something to Clark.
Needless to say, the frustration gets to them, and when Diana accidentally drops Clark's award, the group of super-friends suddenly find themselves ... well, somewhere else.
I love the fact that Fridolfs and Nguyen increase the cast of these books with each volume. What started out as just Clark, Bruce, and Diana has now expanded to include Barry, Victor, Oliver, Joker, and Harley, as well as appearances in this volume of Doomsday and Bizarro (and even a brief appearance by Bat-zarro). The story is not dumbed down at all, despite starring the heroes as children and with a target audience of young readers; instead, Fridolfs and Nguyen tell a fun story of adventure and team-work as the super-friends desperately try to find the missing Clark and then escape from the detention of doom in this other-worldly place.
The inter-mixing of comic panels with screen-texts between the kids, as well as photos from Bruce's robotic drone and messages in Bruce's online diary, to tell the story keeps it fresh and makes the reader feel as if they are a part of the search and rescue. And the heroes' adventure in this "phantom zone" is full of lessons on trust, team work, and patience, and it's fun to see the characters learn as they go to depend on each other's strengths, as well as compensate for one another's weaknesses.
There's obviously no doubt the heroes escape their time in detention, but the turning of tables at the end of the story will bring a smile to any reader's face.
Thankfully, I see on that a fourth book is scheduled to be released in March of next year, so that pretty much tells me this series is still successful (which I'm happy to see, since so many series that I really enjoy end up getting cancelled pretty quickly).
RATING: 8 time-out rooms out of 10 for proving that detention can be just as much a learning experience as the regular classroom!
(And just in case you are wondering, yes, Clark is Superman, Bruce is Batman, and Diana is Wonder Woman - DC Comic's big three, so to speak - although in this series, they are far from big - they are elementary school students in Gotham City, and, as can be expected, they must face off against villainous crimes in each story)
Detention of Doom begins with a simple award ceremony - the award for bravery, the peace prize, and even a participation award. While Bruce is somewhat bored with the ceremony, finding the whole thing to be frivolous, it soon turns out to be anything but when Clark's award suddenly causes him to disappear! With the help of Barry (Allen a/k/a the Flash) and Victor (Stone a/k/a Cyborg), Bruce and Diana begin to investigate what has happened to their friend. All roads lead to Lex Luthor, but they cannot find any evidence to prove he did something to Clark.
Needless to say, the frustration gets to them, and when Diana accidentally drops Clark's award, the group of super-friends suddenly find themselves ... well, somewhere else.
I love the fact that Fridolfs and Nguyen increase the cast of these books with each volume. What started out as just Clark, Bruce, and Diana has now expanded to include Barry, Victor, Oliver, Joker, and Harley, as well as appearances in this volume of Doomsday and Bizarro (and even a brief appearance by Bat-zarro). The story is not dumbed down at all, despite starring the heroes as children and with a target audience of young readers; instead, Fridolfs and Nguyen tell a fun story of adventure and team-work as the super-friends desperately try to find the missing Clark and then escape from the detention of doom in this other-worldly place.
The inter-mixing of comic panels with screen-texts between the kids, as well as photos from Bruce's robotic drone and messages in Bruce's online diary, to tell the story keeps it fresh and makes the reader feel as if they are a part of the search and rescue. And the heroes' adventure in this "phantom zone" is full of lessons on trust, team work, and patience, and it's fun to see the characters learn as they go to depend on each other's strengths, as well as compensate for one another's weaknesses.
There's obviously no doubt the heroes escape their time in detention, but the turning of tables at the end of the story will bring a smile to any reader's face.
Thankfully, I see on that a fourth book is scheduled to be released in March of next year, so that pretty much tells me this series is still successful (which I'm happy to see, since so many series that I really enjoy end up getting cancelled pretty quickly).
RATING: 8 time-out rooms out of 10 for proving that detention can be just as much a learning experience as the regular classroom!
Monday, June 11, 2018
The Scarlet Rose GN No. 1 - I Knew I'd Meet You
What do you when you fall for a Robin Hood-type rogue who is terrorizing the countryside, stealing from the rich to give to the poor and needy? Why, you don a mask and costume yourself and assume a new identity to help the rogue in his nightly adventures, what else?
Writer/artist Patricia Lyfoung introduces readers to The Scarlet Rose in the American translation of her first two graphic novel tales, combined in "I Knew I'd Meet You," published by Charmz, a division of Papercutz graphic novels. Maud is a young girl who relishes life, and who, even moreso, loves the adventure and the mystique that the man known only as "the Fox" brings to the countryside. But when her father is murdered for a book, and she is forced to go live with an overly strict grandfather who has very specific ideas on how young ladies should behave, Maud finds herself in a quandry. She's not interested in book-learning or manners or fancy balls - she's only interested in practicing with the sword her father made her before he died and avenging his death.
After she helps the Fox escape capture one night, Maud dons a mask and creates the persona of "The Scarlet Rose" as a means to attract the Fox's attention, while at the same time, searching for the man who killed her father. But nothing works out quite as she planned.
She chances upon a man who looks like her father's murderer at a ball, but he doesn't have the scar she gave him...
She nearly gets captured as the Scarlet Rose, but when the Fox comes to rescue her, instead of being her knight in shining armor, he tells her to give up this life of adventure...
Her grandfather grows concerned over her actions, and Maud is sent to a convent to protect and teach her...
As with any true hero, Maud overcomes each and every obstacle, determined to be who she wants to be! With the help of Guilhem, Count of Landry, her skills with the sword grow every day. But not everything is what it seems, for Guilhem betrays her trust when he aids her grandfather in sending her to the convent, and even more when he reveals the most unexpected secret of all...
The Scarlet Rose is a story of adventure, mystery, and a bit of romance thrown into the mix. There is no lull in the story, there are no cardboard characters (even the minor characters have personality and story that make them just as interesting as the main cast), and there are enough subplots to leave you wanting for more. The art is just this side of Manga, with some magnificent backgrounds and settings, and some truly beautiful clothing for all of the characters. It's clear Lyfoung did not rush through any panel, but gave careful thought to each character's look, expression, action, and the setting of each scene, so as to bring each page to life in such beauty as to easily draw the reader into the Scarlet Rose's world.
So glad I picked this one up, and looking forward to the second volume (since this first book does end with a shock of a cliffhanger...)
RATING: 9 travel diaries out of 10 for introduction another strong, new female lead into the world of comics!
Writer/artist Patricia Lyfoung introduces readers to The Scarlet Rose in the American translation of her first two graphic novel tales, combined in "I Knew I'd Meet You," published by Charmz, a division of Papercutz graphic novels. Maud is a young girl who relishes life, and who, even moreso, loves the adventure and the mystique that the man known only as "the Fox" brings to the countryside. But when her father is murdered for a book, and she is forced to go live with an overly strict grandfather who has very specific ideas on how young ladies should behave, Maud finds herself in a quandry. She's not interested in book-learning or manners or fancy balls - she's only interested in practicing with the sword her father made her before he died and avenging his death.
After she helps the Fox escape capture one night, Maud dons a mask and creates the persona of "The Scarlet Rose" as a means to attract the Fox's attention, while at the same time, searching for the man who killed her father. But nothing works out quite as she planned.
She chances upon a man who looks like her father's murderer at a ball, but he doesn't have the scar she gave him...
She nearly gets captured as the Scarlet Rose, but when the Fox comes to rescue her, instead of being her knight in shining armor, he tells her to give up this life of adventure...
Her grandfather grows concerned over her actions, and Maud is sent to a convent to protect and teach her...
As with any true hero, Maud overcomes each and every obstacle, determined to be who she wants to be! With the help of Guilhem, Count of Landry, her skills with the sword grow every day. But not everything is what it seems, for Guilhem betrays her trust when he aids her grandfather in sending her to the convent, and even more when he reveals the most unexpected secret of all...
The Scarlet Rose is a story of adventure, mystery, and a bit of romance thrown into the mix. There is no lull in the story, there are no cardboard characters (even the minor characters have personality and story that make them just as interesting as the main cast), and there are enough subplots to leave you wanting for more. The art is just this side of Manga, with some magnificent backgrounds and settings, and some truly beautiful clothing for all of the characters. It's clear Lyfoung did not rush through any panel, but gave careful thought to each character's look, expression, action, and the setting of each scene, so as to bring each page to life in such beauty as to easily draw the reader into the Scarlet Rose's world.
So glad I picked this one up, and looking forward to the second volume (since this first book does end with a shock of a cliffhanger...)
RATING: 9 travel diaries out of 10 for introduction another strong, new female lead into the world of comics!
Saturday, June 9, 2018
A Wedding to Die For - A Brandt and Donnelly Caper, Case File Number Three
Officers Brandt and Donnelly return for their third "caper," and this time, their success in quelling the bigotry in Woodley has opened the door for the two police officers to head up a new task force that will help see to it that the state's new gay marriage law (this book was published back in 2014) is adhered to by the numerous hometown businesses who don't want to recognize and honor it. And, as fate would have it, their very first case involves a Romeo and Juliet scenario - albeit with a gay twist!
A Wedding to Die For is definitely the best of the Brandt/Donnelly novels so far, at least when it comes to the mystery plot. A prominent gay couple (one a newscaster, one an attorney) are planning their wedding - but when they are turned away by the baker and the florist they want for their wedding, they fight back. Enter Brandt and Donnelly. The two police officers, as a part of their new duties on the task force, pay a visit to the florist, and then the baker, to convince them to revisit their discriminatory actions against the gay couple. The florist and the baker are both resistant, but ultimately they give in (due to the number of order cancellations based on the public outrage after the couple went public with the issue), allowing their sons to take over the jobs for the wedding. Their sons, who, coincidentally enough, are both gay. And, who coincidentally enough, happen to not only know each other, but share a secret from their past that turns out to have some very deadly consequences in the present.
Author Xavier Mayne provides a well-written tale of revenge, star-crossed love, and flat-out hate-filled bigotry. Someone wants to turn the wedding into a disaster. And a disaster it becomes when nearly everyone at the reception becomes violently ill, forcing Brandt and Donnelly to act quickly and get them the medical attention they need. They immediately begin an investigation into the source of the mass-poison, and then into the culprit behind it. When one of the two grooms winds up dead on his honeymoon, it becomes a murder investigation.
Was it the baker or the florist determined to seek revenge on having been forced to offer their services to the gay couple? Or was it one of their sons, who may not be everything he's pretending to be? Or was it someone completely off the radar, with intentions Brandt and Donnelly can't even begin to understand? And what of Justin and Roman, the baker's and florist's sons? Is their romance doomed before it even begins?
Mayne has got a great hold on the characters, and even the ever-flamboyant Bryce makes a few brief appearances that are so over-the-top, yet everyone knows someone just like him. The growing rapport between Brandt and Donnelly, now that they are engaged (that happened at the end of the second book - where have you been?), flows naturally, and it's nice to see them getting to become more comfortable with each other and with themselves, particularly as they begin planning their own wedding.
My only problem with this book (and the previous two) are the gratuitous, overly-explicit sexual encounters - between Brandt and Donnelly and between Justin and Roman. I realize that there is a market for erotica, and I'm by no means a prude. But (and this is just for me!), when I'm reading a mystery, particularly a really good mystery like this one, explicit sex scenes such as the ones here pull me out of the story. To me, those scenes have absolutely no bearing on the mystery, and, in fact, the romance between the couples would have been more intimate had the explicit nature of those scenes been toned down.
Not sure that I will be picking up any further books in this series, regardless of how much I enjoy the mystery part and I like the characters. Guess we will just have to see what the future holds...
RATING: 6 stacks of blueberry pancakes with a side of bacon out of 10 for taking a Shakespearean tragedy and turning it into a good little mystery.
A Wedding to Die For is definitely the best of the Brandt/Donnelly novels so far, at least when it comes to the mystery plot. A prominent gay couple (one a newscaster, one an attorney) are planning their wedding - but when they are turned away by the baker and the florist they want for their wedding, they fight back. Enter Brandt and Donnelly. The two police officers, as a part of their new duties on the task force, pay a visit to the florist, and then the baker, to convince them to revisit their discriminatory actions against the gay couple. The florist and the baker are both resistant, but ultimately they give in (due to the number of order cancellations based on the public outrage after the couple went public with the issue), allowing their sons to take over the jobs for the wedding. Their sons, who, coincidentally enough, are both gay. And, who coincidentally enough, happen to not only know each other, but share a secret from their past that turns out to have some very deadly consequences in the present.
Author Xavier Mayne provides a well-written tale of revenge, star-crossed love, and flat-out hate-filled bigotry. Someone wants to turn the wedding into a disaster. And a disaster it becomes when nearly everyone at the reception becomes violently ill, forcing Brandt and Donnelly to act quickly and get them the medical attention they need. They immediately begin an investigation into the source of the mass-poison, and then into the culprit behind it. When one of the two grooms winds up dead on his honeymoon, it becomes a murder investigation.
Was it the baker or the florist determined to seek revenge on having been forced to offer their services to the gay couple? Or was it one of their sons, who may not be everything he's pretending to be? Or was it someone completely off the radar, with intentions Brandt and Donnelly can't even begin to understand? And what of Justin and Roman, the baker's and florist's sons? Is their romance doomed before it even begins?
Mayne has got a great hold on the characters, and even the ever-flamboyant Bryce makes a few brief appearances that are so over-the-top, yet everyone knows someone just like him. The growing rapport between Brandt and Donnelly, now that they are engaged (that happened at the end of the second book - where have you been?), flows naturally, and it's nice to see them getting to become more comfortable with each other and with themselves, particularly as they begin planning their own wedding.
My only problem with this book (and the previous two) are the gratuitous, overly-explicit sexual encounters - between Brandt and Donnelly and between Justin and Roman. I realize that there is a market for erotica, and I'm by no means a prude. But (and this is just for me!), when I'm reading a mystery, particularly a really good mystery like this one, explicit sex scenes such as the ones here pull me out of the story. To me, those scenes have absolutely no bearing on the mystery, and, in fact, the romance between the couples would have been more intimate had the explicit nature of those scenes been toned down.
Not sure that I will be picking up any further books in this series, regardless of how much I enjoy the mystery part and I like the characters. Guess we will just have to see what the future holds...
RATING: 6 stacks of blueberry pancakes with a side of bacon out of 10 for taking a Shakespearean tragedy and turning it into a good little mystery.
Monday, June 4, 2018
Amanda Lester and the Purple Rainbow Puzzle (Amanda Lester Mysteries No. 3)
The drama that fills the Legatum Continuatum School for the Descendants of Famous Detectives continues in this third book of the Amanda Lester mystery series. For those just coming in, be warned - if you haven't read the first two books in the series, you might want to stop and go do that. This is one series where each book builds on what has gone before, so jumping in now, with the third book, might leave you just a bit confused, or at the very least, behind on all that has gone before.
But for those who did read books 1 and 2 in the series, then prepare yourself for Amanda Lester and the Purple Rainbow Puzzle. After the turmoil of the last book, what with the Moriartys breaking out of jail, Amanda's shock to discover that Nick was still alive, and the betrayal of Editta, Philip, and Gavin, the reader is left to wonder just what else could possibly go wrong? I mean, the Detective's Bible is missing, if not destroyed, the teachers at Legatum are divided into warring factions over whether to save the school or close it, and now, as this third mystery opens, the parents of the missing children are determined to see Headmaster Thrillkill and the school pay for what has happened to their kids! And, of course, poor Amanda gets sucked into the midst of things when Thrillkill asks her to gather her friends back at the school for the summer break to help him resolve:
1. Rescue Editta Sweetgum
1. Find Philip Puppybreath and Gavin Niven
2. Find out what the key discovered with Wink's body goes to
3. Find the Detective's Bible
4. Solve Wink Wiffle's murder
5. Monitor Professor Redleaf's computer
6. Find attorney and prepare for wrongful death lawsuit
7. Make film about our options without the Bible
8. Speak to David Wiffle
And if you think that list would be enough to keep Amanda and her friends busy over the summer, let's not forget the mysterious purple rainbows that have suddenly started appearing in Windermere and the surrounding communities, as well as the numerous zombie sightings all over the Lake District. Add in the gold leprechaun coins, the mysterious love letters from Mavis Moriarty to Wink Wiffle, the 3-D images coming out of Professor Redleaf's computer, and the torment Amanda suffers about her feelings for Scapulus Holmes and Nick Moriarty, and you've got yourself a complicated mystery to solve!
Author Paula Berinstein has definitely created a soap opera-ish world, with Amanda Lester at the center. The teen angst is taken up a notch with this book, as Amanda suddenly finds she is competing with her friend, Amphora, for Holmes' attention, and meanwhile finds herself unexpectedly kissing Simon Binkle. Meanwhile, amidst all of the drama, and the responsibility of solving so many mysteries, Amanda finds that famed director Darius Plover is demanding more and more of her time, as he seeks out her aid with reviewing and revising the script for his latest project. This man has been her idol for so many years, so how can she say no?
There is a somewhat slow build-up in this book, as Berinstein provides a bit of a recap and walks Amanda through her numerous quandaries of how to approach each of the mysteries. However, after the half-way point, the action and pace definitely pick up, leading to another explosive conclusion that leaves another person dead, six more people kidnapped, a mysterious girl who aids the detectives, and the school split down the middle as half the teachers leave to form their own school in Scotland.
At 380 pages long, there is plenty of room for the story, but prepare yourself, for the ending leaves the reader hanging, meaning the only way I'll find out what happens next is to pick up book four and start reading!
RATING: 8 acoustic levitators out of 10 for building a Harry Potter-type world with the descendants of famed detectives, all the while keeping it fresh and exciting!
But for those who did read books 1 and 2 in the series, then prepare yourself for Amanda Lester and the Purple Rainbow Puzzle. After the turmoil of the last book, what with the Moriartys breaking out of jail, Amanda's shock to discover that Nick was still alive, and the betrayal of Editta, Philip, and Gavin, the reader is left to wonder just what else could possibly go wrong? I mean, the Detective's Bible is missing, if not destroyed, the teachers at Legatum are divided into warring factions over whether to save the school or close it, and now, as this third mystery opens, the parents of the missing children are determined to see Headmaster Thrillkill and the school pay for what has happened to their kids! And, of course, poor Amanda gets sucked into the midst of things when Thrillkill asks her to gather her friends back at the school for the summer break to help him resolve:
1. Rescue Editta Sweetgum
1. Find Philip Puppybreath and Gavin Niven
2. Find out what the key discovered with Wink's body goes to
3. Find the Detective's Bible
4. Solve Wink Wiffle's murder
5. Monitor Professor Redleaf's computer
6. Find attorney and prepare for wrongful death lawsuit
7. Make film about our options without the Bible
8. Speak to David Wiffle
And if you think that list would be enough to keep Amanda and her friends busy over the summer, let's not forget the mysterious purple rainbows that have suddenly started appearing in Windermere and the surrounding communities, as well as the numerous zombie sightings all over the Lake District. Add in the gold leprechaun coins, the mysterious love letters from Mavis Moriarty to Wink Wiffle, the 3-D images coming out of Professor Redleaf's computer, and the torment Amanda suffers about her feelings for Scapulus Holmes and Nick Moriarty, and you've got yourself a complicated mystery to solve!
Author Paula Berinstein has definitely created a soap opera-ish world, with Amanda Lester at the center. The teen angst is taken up a notch with this book, as Amanda suddenly finds she is competing with her friend, Amphora, for Holmes' attention, and meanwhile finds herself unexpectedly kissing Simon Binkle. Meanwhile, amidst all of the drama, and the responsibility of solving so many mysteries, Amanda finds that famed director Darius Plover is demanding more and more of her time, as he seeks out her aid with reviewing and revising the script for his latest project. This man has been her idol for so many years, so how can she say no?
There is a somewhat slow build-up in this book, as Berinstein provides a bit of a recap and walks Amanda through her numerous quandaries of how to approach each of the mysteries. However, after the half-way point, the action and pace definitely pick up, leading to another explosive conclusion that leaves another person dead, six more people kidnapped, a mysterious girl who aids the detectives, and the school split down the middle as half the teachers leave to form their own school in Scotland.
At 380 pages long, there is plenty of room for the story, but prepare yourself, for the ending leaves the reader hanging, meaning the only way I'll find out what happens next is to pick up book four and start reading!
RATING: 8 acoustic levitators out of 10 for building a Harry Potter-type world with the descendants of famed detectives, all the while keeping it fresh and exciting!
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