Saturday, June 16, 2018

House of Shadows: Book Two - House of Secrets

Author Darcy Coates brings readers back into the Gothic world of Sophie and Joseph Argenton and the terrible curse of the Grimlock with the sequel to House of Shadows.  While I have always loved Gothic tales (I mean, c'mon, Dark Shadows started me down that path, and I've loved it ever since!), I've never been a fan of the romance part that always seems to accompany many Gothic stories.  Coates, thankfully, knows how to truly balance it, so that the Gothic, supernatural side is the focus, and the romantic elements are secondary.

House of Secrets picks up shortly after the end of the first book, where Sophie helped her new husband, Joseph, along with his uncle and cousin, escape the horrors that the cursed Northwood manor held for them all.  Sophie believed that, with the curse behind them, she and her husband might actually discover a happy marriage, regardless of how it began (let's face it - getting married solely so your husband can sacrifice you to keep a curse at bay is not exactly the best way to start a marriage...).  Unfortunately, the horrors of the past are not quite finished with them.

Coates truly makes the reader feel for the characters, particularly Sophie.  Yes, she does get a bit whiny sometimes with her "does he love me, or does he not love me" thoughts - but it does fit perfectly with the story, as it keeps the reader guessing as to Joseph's true intentions.  Remember, in the first book, he married her for the sole purpose of having a sacrifice to the Grimlock.  Just because that did not happen does not necessarily mean a happy ending for the couple - particularly since tales of Gothic and supernatural tend to have dire consequences for their characters.

The horror begins anew in this second novel when Joseph receives a letter from his uncle, indicating that his young cousin, Elise, was possessed by the Grimlock after the destruction of Northwood.  He has taken her to the abandoned Kensington estate in the hopes of finding a way to rid Elise of the deadly creature, but Garrett needs Joseph's helps.  Joseph intends to leave Sophie behind, but she won't hear of it!  Determined and strong-willed, she follows him, and the two eventually arrive at the desolate estate.  In true horror fashion, there is a wide chasm separating the house from the rest of the world, and a decaying wood bridge is the only way across.  Far below is a dried up river that once ran through the chasm.

As with an any old house, this one has a history.  Kensington belonged to the Argenton family, and Miss Bishop, the sister of a man who married into the Argenton family (and the curse!) was determined to find a way to save her brother.  Decades of her research lay within the library and various rooms of the old mansion, and it becomes a race against time for Sophie, Joseph, and Garrett to discover a clue in one of the books, journals, and diaries that will lead them to a way to put an end to the Grimlock and save young Elise.

Coates provides plenty of tense moments - numerous dark shadows, stormy nights, cold winds, hoarse whispers, ghosts, and things that go bump in the night - all the elements necessary to make the perfect terrifying tale.  There are also several surprise moments, and a heart-warming reveal that will touch even the hardest of hearts.

I am almost saddened that the story ties up all loose ends and provides a true ending to the story of Sophie, Joseph, and the Grimlock - I would love to see more tales of these characters.  However, I'm thankful Coates shared these two fantastic stories and definitely recommend them to any fans of the Gothic and supernatural.

RATING:  10 cessant's bloom petals out of 10 for horror and supernatural in true Gothic style without over-burdening the story with too much romance!

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