Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A Viv and Charlie Mystery, Book Three - Dig Deep My Grave

Vivian Witchell and Charlie Haverman return for their third (and what appears to be final) mystery. Set in 1939, this installment finds our intrepid sleuths solving a murder that hits way too close to home. I find these period mysteries to be thoroughly enjoyable, as it is nice to see sleuths who have to solve crimes the old-fashioned way (without cell phones, internet, or any other technology that gives them access to information at the touch of a button). And while the previous two mysteries seemed to focus more on Viv's career as a radio personality, this one focuses more on Viv and Charlie's relationship, as well as revealing more about Viv's own childhood and rebellious teenage years.

Dig Deep My Grave brings Viv and Charlie to her family's lake house in Wisconsin. Charlie finds himself a fish out of water among members of the Witchell family, all of whom are used to opulent wealth and turn their noses down at the working class. And when Hap, Viv's old flame from her teenage years, shows up dead with Charlie standing over him, a bloody pair of scissors in his hands, what is Viv to think? Did her current boyfriend kill her old flame in a fit of jealousy? Did Hap somehow provoke Charlie into a rage? What really happened?

Author Cheryl Honigford writes her most intriguing mystery yet, as Viv sets about to prove her love's innocence of a crime that she's just not sure he didn't do. Her family is acting very strange about the whole thing, and her boss is on her back about the meeting she has in Hollywood with the head honchos at MGM about producing a live-action film of their radio feature, "The Darkness Knows," leaving Viv in a constant state of uncertainty and confusion.  And when she finally decides to head off to Hollywood, with the promise of her uncle that he will clear all of this up so that Charlie can go free, Viv begins to believe things will work out. Until she gets the telegram from Charlie's attorney...


Viv is faced with the toughest decision of her life - does she continue on to Hollywood for the chance of starting her career as a film actress; or does she get off the train and head back to Wisconsin to find Charlie and help him prove his innocence? Anyone who has read the previous two books knows right away which decision Viv makes - really, it's the only decision she can make (after all, this is a murder mystery series, and what good would it be if she ignored the mystery and headed off to Hollywood?). Instinctively knowing where he would go, Viv catches up with Charlie, and the two begin to formulate a plan to prove his innocence.  Viv returns to her family's lake house, where she sets about investigating her own family members, unsure if one of them isn't the murderer. What she uncovers though is the most unexpected surprise of all - even I didn't see this one coming! I mean, I did figure out the one person - even figured out that person's motive; but with all of the twists and turns that Honigford threw into this one, it was more fun than trying to figure out a game of Clue!

And one of the best things about this book (besides the well-written mystery itself) is the ending of the book - if this truly is the final Viv and Charlie mystery (and I see nothing to indicate any more are on the way), then Honigford gives the two characters a beautiful send-off.  This is definitely a must-read for any mystery fans, even if you haven't read the previous two books.

RATING:  10 copies of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express out of 10 for a superbly suspenseful mystery with a spectacular payoff at the end!

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