Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Scarlet and Ivy, Book Six - The Last Secret

I put off reading this book long enough.  I hate knowing that a certain book is the last book in a series, because I know that once I read that book, that will be the end of any new adventures/mysteries with those characters.  It's like having to say goodbye to friends or family - I may have the pictures that I can go back and reminisce about, but I won't be seeing them again to make any new memories.  The same is true with series books.  I think it's one of the reasons I love ongoing series so much, is because I get to keep coming back with the same characters again and again for new adventures, new mysteries, and new stories!  But, alas, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end.  And so it is with the Scarlet and Ivy series by Sophie Cleverly.  What started out as a dark mystery about a girl who believes her twin sister who she thought was dead may still be alive has evolved into a complicated story about the girls' mother, the boarding school where they have had so many problems, their evil stepmother, and their distant father.  Along the way, the girls have established some strong bonds with other girls at the school, forming friendships in the most unexpected places.  And now, as the title to this book suggests, we finally come to the last secret to be uncovered within the walls of Rookwood School...

The Last Secret begins over Christmas break, as Scarlet and Ivy do their best to survive their vicious step-mother's every constant attacks on them.  But, then, something completely unexpected happens.  Their father, who never talks about their mother, not only mentions her to the sisters, but also provides them with a music box that belonged to her.  A music box that they soon discover has a secret compartment, which holds some very important documents that could hold the clue to saving their school!  (And yes, despite all of their previous problems with Rookwood and its many malicious headmasters and headmistresses, Scarlet and Ivy discover that they have come to love their school and the friends they have made there, so they are determined to save it before it is too late!)

Cleverly forces the twins to face the many aspects of their past as Henry Bartholomew, son of the late Edgar Bartholomew (former headmaster/owner of Rookwood, who had caused so much terror at the school) has shows up to claim the school as his legacy - and his plans seem to be to demolish the building and put an end to Rookwood for good.  One of the only ways for the girls and their friends to possibly prevent that from happening is to obtain information from the last source they would expect to - the evil Miss Fox (Miss Finch's mother)!  But she is in jail, and the girls must convince the faculty of Rookwood that it is absolutely essential that they visit Miss Fox and see if she can provide them with any information they can use against Master Bartholomew - after all, she hated the man's father almost as much as the students did.  Then, of course, there is Edith, the girls' wicked stepmother, and her two sons.  When Scarlet and Ivy are sent home while the school is closed for a week for alleged inspections, they uncover a shocking truth about her and her plans for their father.  At every turn, the girls must face a villain and find a way to beat them at their own games.

The story brings together all of Scarlet and Ivy's friends - Ariadne, Violet, Rose, and even Ebony, along with new recruits Nadia and Penny - as they learn that the school holds one final secret: the true Last Will and Testament of the original owner of the school, one Lady Wootten.  But Lady Wootten hid the Will and left cryptic clues that would lead to its whereabouts.  Secret compartments, locked safes, and a graveyard puzzle all lead the girls on a last minute chase to find the keys and the combination needed to open the safe and find the real Will before Bartholomew gets his hands on it.  It truly is a race against time, one that ultimately engages not only Scarlet and Ivy's father, but Rose's family lawyer as well.  It all leads up to the very dramatic conclusion which, in near-soap opera style, provides readers with a fantastic confrontation and revelation that will leave you grinning from ear to ear.

As much as I hated to see the end of the adventures of Scarlet and Ivy, I have to hand it to Cleverly - if you're going to end a series, this is definitely the way to do it!  And should she ever get the desire to venture back into the world of Scarlet and Ivy?  Well, let's just say she left the door open, like any great author would!
One last thing I did want to mention - the first three books in the series, I bought with the beautifully painted covers - but for some reason, the last three books never seemed to be available here in the States with the painted covers; so, instead, I ended up buying the last three books with the silhouette covers.  (Which, of course, plays havoc with my OCD, because I can't stand having a series change format in the middle of the series!!!!)  I found the cover to this last book online, and I must say, I definitely prefer the painted covers!  Maybe some day I will be able to track them down and replace the ones I have with the painted versions.

RATING:  10 small black bottles of poison out of 10 for giving readers a most satisfying conclusion to a wonderfully fun-filled mystery series!

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