Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Missing Jewels - The Hayley Mysteries, Book 2

It's been a few months since I read the first of The Hayley Mysteries, so I figured it was time to pick up the second book in the series and give it a read. The series is written by actress Hayley LeBlanc, a social media "star" who has performed in the online shows, Chicken Girls and Mani.  This series is her first stab at writing, and for a thirteen year old (although she's probably fourteen or even fifteen by now!), they are actually not bad at all.  The stories are fast paced and, while the mysteries are relatively tame, they are pretty good for the target audience.

The Missing Jewels
opens with the main character, Hayley (go figure!), getting ready to film an episode in the second season of her hit television show, Sadie Solves It!  Yes, the main character is an actress, just like the author, and they even share the same name.  But, no, the books are not autobiographical in any way - they are pure fiction.  Hayley, along with her two best friends, Cody and Aubrey (who also happen to be the co-stars of her show), solved the mystery behind the "ghost" that was haunting their studio in the first book, and as they begin filming new episodes for the second season of their show, the creator of the show has made it clear he does not want them getting tangled up in any new mysteries.

Yeah, sure, okay - like that's going to happen.  After all, this is a mystery series, and with the title of this book, you know there's going to be some stolen jewels that Hayley and her friends will have to find.  It starts with a prop tiara missing.  Then a pair of ruby earrings belonging to the mother of one of the actors on the show go missing.  Then a ring that is very important to Hayley disappears.  It's clear that someone is swiping jewelry from the set, but who could it be?  No matter how much they want to get involved, they did promise the show's creator no more mysteries.  But then there is evidence that points to Vee, the show's make-up artist, as the culprit.  Hayley and her friends know Vee is innocent, but how can they prove it without breaking their promise not to get involved?  Well, it's simply a matter of deciding what ... or rather who! ... is more important.  And the answer to that is an easy one.

Although the culprit is pretty easy to discern from the get-go, it is rather enjoyable to follow along as Hayley, Cody, and Aubrey piece the clues together to uncover the culprit.  In the tradition of the old Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books, there are even some educational elements to the story, as LeBlanc makes sure to provide explanations for a number of the technical aspects of filming a television show (and there are even moments where the reader gets to "watch" as the Sophie Solves It! show is being filmed.

While the first book was more about friendship and trust, this story is more about loyalty and not being so quick to judge.  The younger actress who plays Hayley's little sister in Sophie Solves It! once again joins the crew as they try to solve the mystery (after all, it was her mother's earrings that were stolen, and she does come up with a good idea now and again!), and readers are introduced to Vee's daughter, Ava.  I was excited at first, as Ava is deaf, and I thought we would get to see some interaction through sign language; however, the story deals more with the surgery Ava wants to have cochlear implants that will allow her to hear better (and there is no sign language used in the story).

Overall, it's not a bad little mystery, and again, for its target audience, I'd say it's pretty spot-on.  I think young readers will really enjoy this series, particularly if they are fans of social media stars and YouTube shows, as these characters seem to fit right into that genre.

RATING:  7 poker-playing dogs out of 10 for proving even mysteries for younger readers can be enjoyable and well-written!

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